All prices are in United States Dollars and exclude taxes. Our pricing for calls is available from our sales team. Please get in touch for more details.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Cradle is an online calling service for your business that replaces your work phones and phone services. It allows you to take and make phone calls wherever you are, allowing you and your team to function more effectively and give your customers the delightful experience you want them to have.
You only need your computer and a headset to get going with Cradle. You can also use your mobile to make and receive calls. To get started, request a trial meeting with us.
Yes! We can work with you and your current phone service provider to port your phone number across to Cradle. Whilst this process is happening we can arrange for phone calls to be forwarded across to Cradle so you’ll get the benefits straight away!
When you call out with Cradle, we show one of your business numbers. If you have multiple business numbers, Cradle can be set up to show the most geographically close number to the number you’re calling.
Yes! You can call nearly every country in the world using Cradle. You just need to ask to have any countries you need to call enabled on your account. You will also have the local area code show up on caller id.
Note, that calling China isn't possible using Cradle
Yes! Cradle is a Jabra Premium Reseller, and Jabra products integrate seamlessly with Cradle’s offering to give you the best user experience possible. We'll help you choose the most appropriate headsets for your team and then supply them at competitive prices.
You can have as many numbers as you want to with Cradle. We have additional number costs if you’re using multiple numbers. If you’re thinking of using DDIs, we’d suggest trying Cradle for a while to start with - once our smart routing kicks in you might find you don’t need DDI's.
Cradle integrates with HubSpot and Xero for keeping your contact records up to date. For basic contact and user management, we integrate with Office365 and G-Suite. We also integrate with the SMS platform Sakari.
On our Professional plan, we offer an API and webhooks at the end of each call. These allow you to integrate your call records with other systems. You will need some software engineering help to get this working.
Calling Costs
For a full breakdown of call charges in your country and the countries you call, please contact us and we will quote you based on your expected usage.